Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
I love to write ever since I can remember. I enjoy leisure writing, but now I mostly do it for work. I decided to create a blog to revive my inner wordsmith; the one who writes not only because she needs to pay the bills, but also to pour out her thoughts.
Don't get me wrong, I value my job. I know how hard it is to find work that is both convenient and challenging (if you know what I mean). I just feel that I need an outlet, wherein I can write without worrying about deadlines or revisions. A place in cyberspace in which I can be me.
Having said that, I have to warn people who might stumble upon this blog that it will be full of rants and raves about life in general. Don't say that you have not been warned.
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